
Individuals who owned shares, nominal share capital, received dividends and received previously paid-up share capital and share premium, by sex and age
Number of individuals who owned shares 31 DecemberNominal share capital. NOK millionReceived dividends. NOK millionReceived share capital. NOK million2Received share premium. NOK million2Number of individuals who owned shares 31 DecemberNominal share capital. NOK millionReceived dividends. NOK millionReceived share capital. NOK million2Received share premium. NOK million2
1Preliminary figures.
2Does not include capital paid back in connection with liquidation or partial liquidation of limited companies.
Both sexes
Total682 59072 34861 7031 1623 965699 27070 36560 8871 0423 635
0-19 years8 8685141783138 9395031431510
20-29 years48 3932 3351 1981307153 5622 1031 2071064
30-39 years101 7086 8665 16395249107 4076 4824 92069175
40-49 years137 61714 16614 145261482137 74813 69113 448291406
50-59 years147 80220 27319 104298783150 88519 65519 004201867
60-69 years122 65717 19414 6212351 597122 80816 74514 5202051 661
70-79 years81 9778 6176 21311842783 8718 6646 544212380
80 years or older33 5682 3831 0802234534 0502 5221 1003872
Total472 40955 46650 3119073 108484 44753 95749 6047032 975
0-19 years5 439253126225 670246105144
20-29 years35 9101 5487671144340 0051 457832643
30-39 years73 3275 0403 8907212077 2974 6523 56148127
40-49 years97 68410 28211 17420634297 61710 02410 824104251
50-59 years102 25615 47415 817225608104 09514 88915 767160693
60-69 years84 77914 45012 5391681 38284 88214 04612 2781601 503
70-79 years54 1147 0245 20310133755 5757 1375 493176301
80 years or older18 9001 3967941927219 3061 5057433554
Total210 18116 88211 392255857214 82316 40811 282339661
0-19 years3 429261511103 2692583816
20-29 years12 483787430162713 557645375421
30-39 years28 3811 8261 2732312930 1101 8311 3592148
40-49 years39 9333 8852 9715514040 1313 6662 625187155
50-59 years45 5464 7993 2877217546 7904 7663 23641174
60-69 years37 8782 7442 0826721437 9262 6992 24245159
70-79 years27 8631 5931 011179028 2961 5261 0503779
80 years or older14 66898728737214 7441 017357318