
1 ½ and 2 year master programmes1
Absolute figuresPer cent
TotalCompleted within 2 years2Completed within 4 years2Still enrolled in one of the selected tertiary programmesGraduated from other tertiary programme longer than 4 years, not included in the selected programmesStill enrolled in other tertiary programme, not included in the selected programmesDropped out within first yearDropped out after the first year or within final year
1Including students started education for the first time, during the period 1.10.YYYY-1 -30.09.YYYY
2Calculation of 'number of years': -2 years = -28 months, 4 years = 29-52 months.
Both sexes13 94848.
Total6 00950.517.
Less than 25 years2 11962.815.
25-29 years2 09953.518.
30-39 years1 10937.822.17.8-2.213.616.5
40 years or older68223.819.612.0-2.820.421.4
Total7 93946.
Less than 25 years2 58265.413.
25-29 years2 25150.
30-39 years1 56229.725.210.4-3.112.918.7
40 years or older1 54424.926.611.9-3.217.416.0