
Life insurance companies. Holding of bonds and certificates by issuing sector. NOK Million
2nd quarter 20193rd quarter 20194th quarter 20191st quarter 20202nd quarter 2020
Sum all sectors572 158576 363583 315596 394609 463
Non-financial corporations91 49590 26289 39689 37494 247
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government..........
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government24 26524 14524 17223 74124 407
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government..........
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government21 11521 35720 66620 21420 517
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises46 11644 76044 55845 41949 323
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises..........
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises..........
Financial corporations113 128113 949118 317120 729118 632
Norges Bank..........
Banks43 32242 23044 17047 18543 882
Mortgage companies68 94369 77072 19271 61072 832
Finance companies..........
State lending institutions etc...........
Financial holding companies3737375010
Mutual funds..........
Investment trusts and private equity funds..........
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds5671 6411 6441 6191 629
Life insurance companies and pension funds171177179178182
Non-life insurance companies8895968797
General government37 90037 13039 52143 35944 366
Central government20 38019 12518 09723 21324 268
Local government17 51918 00521 42320 14620 098
Non-profit institutions serving households..........
Rest of the world329 635335 022336 081342 932352 218