
Non-life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million1
2nd quarter 20193rd quarter 20194th quarter 20191st quarter 20202nd quarter 2020
11st quarter of 2016: The Equalization provision discontinued. The provision for unexpired risk is continued.
21st quarter of 2016: Closed series
Intangible assets8 0488 0718 4928 4688 308
Tangible fixed assets2 5092 0682 0722 0822 348
Land and buildings752359359380378
Machinery, equipment and vehicles1 7571 7101 7131 7021 970
Capital investments150 468151 602152 765150 240159 002
Shares, participation and primary capital certificates18 80617 45419 72418 71121 028
Shares in securities' fund33 19235 27435 05729 94133 738
Bonds and certificates97 20097 60996 12597 680102 536
Financial derivatives4994421 3281 7351 155
Other capital investments7718225312 173544
Loans3 7363 7253 7924 0884 329
Reinsurance share of technical provisions20 44221 57720 65226 38924 330
Remaining claims60 48356 11255 00967 07564 242
Insurance claims29 90527 29226 42834 64832 796
Other claims30 57828 81928 58132 42731 446
Cash and bank deposits9 46112 18912 40519 55415 565
Total assets255 147255 344255 186277 896278 124
Liabilities and equity capital
Eqiuty capital83 44084 79281 47785 40492 257
Deposit capital16 76016 76216 89618 34218 288
Company capital4 5604 5844 5824 7584 643
Share premium account6 6366 6366 7297 9828 050
Other deposit capital5 5645 5425 5855 6025 595
Retained earnings66 68068 03064 58067 06173 969
Other equity55 33254 85449 35067 05267 562
Not allocated profit11 34713 17615 230106 407
Subordinated liabilities3 2383 2363 2373 2373 237
Bonds2 9242 9222 9232 9232 923
Other subordinated loans314314314314314
Technical provisions133 733130 614126 594145 005141 048
Gross provision for unearned premium40 54035 63831 04746 47244 634
Gross Provision for outstanding claims87 16190 15590 65494 11791 933
Gross provision for bonuses and rebates2..........
Equalization provision16 0334 8214 8934 4164 482
Other technical provision2..........
Provisions for other charges11 68911 58011 61210 84911 594
Provisions for pension1 5581 6971 6501 4421 466
Deffered tax7 7167 4557 4596 7047 196
Other provisions for charges2 4142 4282 5032 7032 932
Remaning liabilites23 04725 12232 26733 40229 988
Expences accrued1 4171 4641 6371 6301 537
Deffered income125114251151135
Payable tax1 2671 9182 6793 3433 713
Dividend....6 76065410
Insurance liabilities6 1455 9095 5308 4707 907
Other liabilities13 85915 13515 21015 61316 157
Financial derivatives2345822003 542530
Total libilities255 147255 344255 186277 896278 124
Number of companies8282828283
Loan with morgage on dwelling260258251276490