
Current and capital account. Country breakdown. Current prices. NOK million
Balance of goodsBalance of servicesCurrent account balance
The world192 153273 051-76 753-67 949152 077252 262
EU306 604391 544-69 897-75 443208 956293 392
Other European countries-11 428-15 303-4 823-5 800-12 694-19 358
Africa2 92910 0625 5335 28531 60135 753
North-America-10 875-19 8319077 04137 95057 942
Central- and South America-4 626-10 710-1 845-9903 581-10 070
Asia, Oceania & Polar regions-69 426-69 235-1 2708 746-32 451-14 501