
Municipality-State-Reporting: wastewater
201720182019Change in per cent
2018 - 2019
Percentage of population connected to municipal wastewater facilities (per cent)84.985.385.50.2
Total length of sewage pipelines (metres)37 399 46638 004 48238 392 8661.0
Percentage of total wastewater pipeline system renewed, 3-year-average (per cent0.620.600.611.7
Average age of wastewater pipeline system (year)
Length of separate stormwater pipelines (metres)18 318 61018 828 34619 065 4371.3
Number of sewage overflow in sewage pipelines and manhole covers (numbers/km pipeline)0.0540.0510.045-11.8
Total wastewater load in treatment plants (kg tot-P)3 096 8982 987 6112 953 666-1.1