
Taxable property for residents 17 years and older. Number of persons that have amount on different codes, NOK million and average.
Number of persons with amountNOK millionNumber of persons with amountNOK millionAverage for persons that have amount on different codes (NOK)
1From 2017 it is possible through a share savings account to own listed shares, mututal fund holdings and mutual fund holdings and exchange traded funds in companies domiciled in the EEA. This wealth is included in the variable "share savings account"
Taxable gross wealth4 220 0475 357 2294 261 8215 750 1181 349 200
Taxable gross finacial capital4 210 6172 748 3224 252 8312 996 763704 700
Bank deposits4 205 3721 237 2234 248 0591 294 102304 600
Capital assets in mutual funds1888 261113 473835 808118 725142 000
Share savings account1382 755104 278536 936146 378272 600
Shares and securities unit trusts1557 5491 155 618554 8311 199 4142 161 800
Taxable real capital2 936 7962 608 9083 074 8612 753 356895 400
Assessed tax value primary residence2 301 2281 530 9802 345 4421 589 177677 600
Assessed tax value secondary residence319 337642 291314 139654 4062 083 200
Debt3 140 6883 508 7793 181 8483 666 9111 152 400
Taxable net wealth4 238 9581 848 4504 280 1942 083 208486 700
Number of persons4 268 8754 268 8754 311 0234 311 0234 311 023