
Life insurance companies. Total utilized loans by borrower sector. NOK Million
4th quarter 20191st quarter 20202nd quarter 20203rd quarter 20204th quarter 2020
Sum all sectors149 988152 979156 994150 694153 883
Non-financial corporations44 10443 49143 10242 76142 291
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government..........
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government..........
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government718731777805964
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government2 2792 3782 6222 6892 754
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises41 10640 38139 70339 26638 572
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises..........
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises11111
Financial corporations2 6492 7082 9992 9274 960
Norges Bank..........
Banks........1 759
Mortgage companies..........
Finance companies..........
State lending institutions etc...........
Financial holding companies0086....
Mutual funds..........
Investment trusts and private equity funds2 0342 0482 2532 2672 491
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds615660660660711
Life insurance companies and pension funds..........
Non-life insurance companies..........
General government50 97752 18256 06156 60457 514
Central government6 6747 1317 1136 8676 706
Local government44 30345 05148 94849 73750 808
Non-profit institutions serving households492494545591640
Households39 17037 83136 96935 20236 050
Unincorporated enterprises within households..........
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.101100999896
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.39 06937 73136 87035 10535 954
Unspecified sector..........
Rest of the world12 59716 27317 31912 60912 427