
Pupils, apprentices and trainees in upper secondary education, by education programs , grade and county of residence
TotalProgrammes for general studiesVocational education programmesTotalTotal
Total198 336122 90275 43446 8461 755
Upper secondary level 176 43437 73538 69900
Upper secondary level 267 84335 23232 61117326
Upper secondary level 354 05949 9354 12446 6731 729
County of residence
Viken47 11831 31515 8039 043507
Oslo20 49316 0924 4012 58281
Innlandet13 9237 7466 1773 213104
Vestfold og Telemark15 8209 5026 3183 761189
Agder12 2136 9975 2163 362130
Rogaland19 16911 1608 0095 213109
Vestland24 35114 3899 9626 605195
Møre og Romsdal10 2685 8414 4272 49391
Trøndelag - Trööndelage16 8679 6717 1965 013191
Nordland9 1374 9274 2102 79084
Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku8 4854 8923 5932 73672
County not stated492370122352