
C2, domestic debt to the general public1
Unadjusted figuresSeasonally adjusted figures
NOK millionPer centNOK millionPer cent
StocksTransactions over past 12 months12-month growthStocksTransactions over past month1-month growth2
1All growth calculations based on stocks that include foreign currency loans are adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations in order to eliminate changes not related to transactions. The growth calculations are also adjusted for statistical breaks that are not attributable to transactions or revaluation. This can cause deviation between stock changes and transactions.
2Converted to annual rate.
January 20206 052 596292 8765.16 059 09820 1344.1
February 20206 081 935286 7175.06 091 02226 9165.5
March 20206 130 193278 1794.86 135 98217 9223.6
April 20206 150 685274 7544.76 152 15222 2694.4
May 20206 171 626279 0114.76 164 31324 7924.9
June 20206 201 325270 6484.66 182 59016 9083.3
July 20206 196 182274 8724.76 196 84824 4604.9
August 20206 218 029283 9214.86 223 72033 9706.8
September 20206 257 545275 4644.66 256 78018 4453.6
October 20206 287 285272 6884.56 283 53024 9654.9
November 20206 314 355283 9674.76 306 72337 4547.4
December 20206 313 970288 6964.86 323 38021 3414.1
January 20216 341 375296 2064.96 348 03226 9195.2