
Percentage share of total estimated net wealth, average net wealth and lowest value in decile for households, by deciles1
Share of total net wealth (per cent)Average estimated net wealth (NOK)Lowest value in decile (NOK)
1Students not included
Total100.02 995 200..
Decile 1-3.7-1 107 400..
Decile 2-0.3-80 700-247 600
Decile 30.382 1003 200
Decile 41.7507 500230 900
Decile 53.81 140 300811 900
Decile 66.11 838 3001 477 300
Decile 78.82 637 2002 215 100
Decile 812.23 653 4003 092 100
Decile 917.65 264 0004 297 200
Decile 1053.516 016 9006 554 500
Top 5 per cent40.524 276 2009 420 100
Top 1 per cent23.169 094 60021 668 300
Top 0,1 per cent11.6347 410 200104 264 400