
Immigration category and field of education for graduations in higher education
TotalImmigrantsNorwegian-born to immigrant parentsOther population
Total53 9596 2631 78645 910
Humanities and arts4 363698923 573
Education9 1467062458 195
Social sciences and law6 8806992485 933
Business and administration9 2669454157 906
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects10 2201 7263758 119
Health, welfare and sport11 8701 30338210 185
Primary industries397372358
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services1 705134251 546
Unspecified field of study11215295
Per cent
Humanities and arts8.
Social sciences and law12.811.213.912.9
Business and administration17.
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects18.927.621.017.7
Health, welfare and sport22.020.821.422.2
Primary industries0.
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services3.
Unspecified field of study0.