
Graduations and credits awarded by universities and colleges in Norway
1Include both 2-year and 5-year master’s degrees.
2Ordinary students are students who are not in continuing education. Read more under “About the statistics” below.
GraduationsTotalFemale shareTotalFemale share
Total40 56861.053 95959.8
Of which
Bachelor programmes24 60363.331 74260.8
Master’s programmes110 87154.014 61956.9
Professional programmes88363.895273.4
Doctoral studies1 29845.91 53548.9
Total number of ordinary full-time students64 41389 03586 088118 662
Credits awarded to ordinary full-time students, per cent2100.0100.0100.0100.0
0 credits11.
1-29 credits10.
30-59 credits29.228.529.628.1
60 credits or more49.254.353.760.3