
Entrepreneurs that are enterprises in new established private and public limited companies, by the organisational structure, number of employees and and economic activity of the entrepreneur.
Number of entrepreneursShare of entrepreneursNumber of entrepreneurs195% CI lower bound95% CI upper boundShare of entrepreneurs
1The number for the latest year is an estimate
Total4 407100.04 7953 9595 612100.0
Entrepreneur's organisational structure
Private limited company4 06391.84 4693 7325 19693.2
Public limited company741.73734410.8
Other legal form2906.62891933756.0
Sum4 427100.04 795100.0
Size (number of employees) of the entrepreneur
No one employeed2 37053.62 6462 4002 88655.2
1-4 employees77217.58366351 03217.4
5-9 employees3738.44132805438.6
10-19 employees2776.32931943926.1
20-49 employees2896.52632123155.5
50-99 employees1192.7148991933.1
100 - 249 employees1242.8102571472.1
250 employees and more962.294831052.0
Sum4 420100.04 795100.0
Economic activity of the entrepreneur
Agriculture, forestry and fishing431.04528610.9
Mining and quarrying150.3218340.4
Electricity, gas and steam861.9107911232.2
Water supply, sewerage, waste240.52017240.4
Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles2485.62742303125.7
Transportation and storage1453.31451291573.0
Accommodation and food service activities701.68676951.8
Information and communication1974.51951612304.1
Financial and insurance activities1733.9180982623.8
Real estate activities1 20927.41 0871 0471 12722.7
Professional, scientific and technical activities4329.854641267911.4
Administrative and support service activities1413.21751412103.6
Public administration and defence: compulsory social security461.06036851.3
Human health and social work activities571.36131871.3
Arts, entertainment and recreation671.594-11902.0
Personal service activities731.77248911.5
Households as employers activities00.00..0.0
Extraterritorial organisations and bodies00.00..0.0
Sum4 420100.04 795100.0