
Current and capital account. Country breakdown. Current prices. NOK million
Balance of goodsBalance of servicesCurrent account balance
The world275 167137 714-71 392-80 327282 642101 609
EU393 372267 172-86 906-90 586262 348127 548
Other European countries-15 661-16 028-2 523-2 567-11 846-6 533
Africa10 9262 4923 3593 33741 65518 871
North-America-19 462-30 74810 0359 53476 47245 457
Central- and South America-9 324-11 908-392 1714 791-13 887
Asia, Oceania & Polar regions-69 766-60 0685 166-185-16 956-6 092