
Full-time employees in central government, by class. Monthly earnings and basic monthly salary. Average as of October. NOK and percentage change1
Monthly earningsBasic monthly salary
201120122011 - 2012201120122011 - 2012
1Central government employees who are reported to the Central Register of Government Employees.
Public administration, total40 00041 8004.539 00040 7004.4
Of which
General public administration activities40 70042 6004.740 40042 3004.7
Foreign affairs47 90050 1004.647 00049 2004.7
Defence activities37 80039 5004.537 40039 0004.3
Justice and judicial activities39 70042 8007.837 60039 7005.6
Public order and safety activities41 30042 6003.137 90039 2003.4