
Full-time employees transport and storage, by occupation. Monthly earnings and basic monthly salary. Average as of October. NOK and percentage change
Monthly earningsBasic monthly salary
201120122011 - 2012201120122011 - 2012
Transport and storage, total37 90039 2003.435 90037 1003.3
Of which
Senior officials and managers59 90062 6004.557 40059 3003.3
Professionals50 30051 3002.048 70049 6001.8
Technicians and associate professionals51 20052 5002.548 60049 8002.5
Clerks32 50033 7003.730 70031 9003.9
Service workers and shop and market sales workers35 40036 0001.733 10033 4000.9
Craft and related trades workers38 40042 0009.435 20038 1008.2
Plant and machine operators and assemblers30 90031 4001.629 40029 8001.4
Elementary occupations29 00030 2004.127 30028 4004.0
Water transport45 90048 1004.844 10045 9004.1
Ships engineers53 80055 0002.251 90052 5001.2
Shipsdeck officers and pilots53 10056 0005.551 20053 3004.1
Cooks40 60042 0003.439 40040 9003.8
Plant and machine operators and assemblers34 80035 5002.033 60034 2001.8
Shipsdeck crews..36 200..34 700
Shipsmachine crews..33 300..32 600
Air transport51 50052 6002.147 20048 4002.5
Aircraft pilots77 70081 0004.269 90073 4005.0
Warehouse and transportation services39 80040 9002.836 80038 0003.3
Air traffic controllers64 10067 2004.862 50065 7005.1
Clearing and forwarding agents35 80037 1003.634 40035 7003.8
Stock clerks31 70032 3001.929 10030 2003.8
Transport clerks36 700....31 600....