
Statistics on turnover for the construction, by county. Turnover exclusive value added tax. NOK million and per cent
5th period 20115th period 20125th period 2011 - 5th period 2012
The whole country60 21664 5587.2
Østfold3 2563 5719.7
Akershus5 3715 92010.2
Oslo9 84410 90610.8
Hedmark1 8852 0237.3
Oppland2 0021 991-0.5
Buskerud3 8764 0023.3
Vestfold2 5482 6684.7
Telemark1 9151 9361.1
Aust-Agder9701 0669.9
Vest-Agder2 8002 8140.5
Rogaland6 1066 77110.9
Hordaland5 6196 1509.5
Sogn og Fjordane1 1201 2007.1
Møre og Romsdal2 6652 8095.4
Sør-Trøndelag3 9934 2857.3
Nord-Trøndelag1 2411 3408.0
Nordland2 5092 7158.2
Troms Romsa1 7671 625-8.0
Finnmark Finnmárku7297665.1