
Net purchases in the primary and secondary market of listed shares registered with the VPS, by purchasing sector. Market value. NOK Million
1st quarter 20122nd quarter 20123rd quarter 20124th quarter 2012
Total4 8312 773-4 7284 003
Non-financial corporations997 762-5 5942 486
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government-315-8 217-1 5531 213
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government00....
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government-631-919
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises49115 947-4 0141 307
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises-63-51
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises-728-13-54
Financial corporations-216-840-2 689785
Norges Bank0000
Banks-679-1 5982411 652
Mortgage companies0000
Finance companies-60..-9
State lending institutions etc.........
Financial holding companies-15......
Mutual funds21418-1 727-529
Investment trusts and private equity funds-298-162115
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds-20135-335-117
Life insurance companies and pension funds465-66-650-306
Non-life insurance companies47263-55-21
General government-1 0941 866-3 517433
Central government and social security funds-1 0861 865-3 470502
Local government-80-47-69
Non-profit institutions serving households2 532726-165-4
Households-216588-2 217969
Unincorporated enterprises within households-1000
Housing cooperatives etc.........
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.-215589-2 216969
Rest of the world3 730-7 3379 461-670
Unspecified sector-49-84