
Intramural and extramural R & D expenditure, R & D personell and man-years by Industry (10+ employees). NOK million and number of
Intramural R&D (NOK million)Extramural R&D (NOK million)R&D personnel (number of)R&D man-years (number of)
Nace (SN2007)
A-N All industries18 513.820 065.95 432.35 389.022 93923 31715 32115 545
A03 Fishing and aquaculture349.3293.657.174.5454495228191
B05-B09 Mining and cuarrying1 298.11 226.21 694.41 633.4910980764778
B06, B09.1 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas and support act. petroleum extraction1 287.01 199.11 684.21 626.3885922752757
C Manufacturing6 998.17 753.41 483.91 306.69 1919 1796 1136 115
C10-C11 Food products and beverages564.1580.7119.284.9965990557551
C13 Textiles38.850.01.93.280953945
C14-C15 Wearing apparel, leather and leather products28.928.81.21.076734651
C16 Wood and wood products52.662.013.811.81991546669
C17 Paper and paper products129.1188.162.628.4152215124174
C18 Printing and reproduction33.725.12.92.184543421
C19-C20 Refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products893.3840.6344.6323.4916863772728
C21 Pharmaceuticals492.4720.5296.1261.6410417383385
C22 Rubber and plastic products104.
C23 Other non-metal mineral products91.6116.921.442.81871597673
C24 Basic metals322.3224.2102.653.5397372215209
C25 Fabricated metal prod.737.7921.329.130.8697598447449
C26 Electronic and optical products1 523.61 667.5178.3202.41 7531 7921 5051 535
C26.3 Manuf. of communication equipment543.1547.530.617.2549496530479
C26.5 Manuf of testing instr./appliances700.9789.0126.6166.2793869694761
C27 Electrical equipment358.0376.221.434.8507510352340
C28 Machinery and equipment754.1908.2111.296.71 1751 152611627
C29 Motor vehicles etc.121.1206.913.414.5174257131191
C30 Other transport equipment378.6371.273.250.8660844301261
C30.1 Building of ships and boats340.3338.173.049.9571743266230
C31 Funiture120.8116.414.112.2197194121112
C32 Other manufacturing112.2108.256.042.912911810199
C32.5 Manuf. of med./dental instr. etc.100.795.353.041.51161029390
C33 Repair, installation of machinery141.4152.59.05.4208171130120
D35 Electricity and gas supply128.1146.8196.1184.02412637679
E36-E39 Water supply, sewerage, waste90.555.748.332.893985148
F41-F43 Construction137.1112.740.542.6290314143122
G-N Services total9 512.610 477.51 911.92 115.111 76011 9877 9468 211
G46 Wholesale trade447.1568.4161.7193.4679797372498
H49-H53 Transportation and storage157.1146.788.280.42442138380
J58 Publishing activities1 440.21 493.186.5156.42 0532 0941 6031 646
J58.2 Software publishing1 334.41 318.969.5113.01 8861 8871 4871 521
J59-J60 Motion picture, TV, music prod., programming and broadcasting act.9.911.12.10.119291216
J61 Telecommunications807.5709.2139.9170.7774752543521
J62 Computer programming, consultancy2 310.62 709.6133.8114.62 8793 1512 1262 249
J63 Information service activities119.9133.041.344.5242248152166
K64-K66 Financial and insurance activities1 020.11 325.4406.3426.71 0411 201811935
M70 Head offices, management consult.84.679.85.28.92371728281
M71 Architecture, engineering act.2 320.42 391.5486.5569.62 6092 1711 4941 266
M72 Scientific research and development455.2428.5248.2238.2486522331333
M74.9 Prof./scient./tech. act. n.e.c.209.5313.519.531.3339406220244
N82.9 Other business supp. serv. act.130.5167.792.880.1158233118177