
Non-life insurance company. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
4th quarter 20111st quarter 20122nd quarter 20123rd quarter 20124th quarter 2012
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance54 58013 68627 90842 20956 306
Gross premiums written62 45222 18638 39151 66465 196
Reinsurers share of gross premiums writtens-6 820-2 748-5 187-6 656-7 914
Gross change in the provision for unearned premiums-1 206-6 857-6 960-3 800-1 469
Reinsurance share1531 1051 6641 001492
Claims incurred and net change in technical provisions41 07310 39519 42129 25639 119
Gross claims payment41 55311 73322 51632 60443 198
Reinsurers share of gross claims payments-4 684-1 555-2 529-3 813-5 072
Gross change in the provision for outstanding claims1 898-207-1 023-371-535
Reinsurers share, gross change in the provision for outstanding claims755352424296825
Bonus and rebates200297165210
Net change in technical provision1 35170-65375493
Other operating income/ costs-10 520-2 720-5 411-7 984-10 565
Commision received1075698137191
Operating income, real property16632557896
Other operating income2 7805481 1201 5162 002
Personell costs5 6761 4892 8814 4545 823
Commision submitted2 2576311 2291 7512 406
Operating costs, real property326101317
Depreciations of non-financial assets25456121180228
Other operating costs5 3541 1742 4443 3164 379
Investment income /costs4 8231 1672 4593 6535 058
Interest income4 1491 0602 0953 2274 298
Share dividend etc.804137423502853
Interest costs13130597693
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets-1 1021 6851 2422 8573 362
Net realized gains/losses8175463951 2201 742
Net change in value-1 9191 1398471 6361 619
Profitt/loss on ordinary activities6 7073 4236 77611 47915 042
Other result components-1 1351-139-77554
Tax2 2436961 5992 7363 656
Total Profitt/loss3 3302 7285 0388 66511 940
Balance on the technical account for non-life insurance6 3351 0654 1346 5758 748