Statistics Norway


3 Adoptions, by type of adoption, sex and age. 2008
Age. Sex Total Type of adoption
Intercountry adoptions Stepchildren Foster children Other adoptions1
Total  553  298  223 23 9
Under 3 years  312  244 60 1 7
3-4 years 53 42 5 4 2
5-6 years 15 8 3 4 -
7-11 years 22 3 17 2 -
12-17 years 35 1 31 3 -
18 years and over  116 -  107 9 -
Boys, total  261  140  106 11 4
Under 3 years  143  115 25 - 3
3-4 years 24 19 2 2 1
5-6 years 8 4 1 3 -
7-11 years 14 1 12 1 -
12-17 years 16 1 15 - -
18 years and over 56 - 51 5 -
Girls, total  292  158  117 12 5
Under 3 years  169  129 35 1 4
3-4 years 29 23 3 2 1
5-6 years 7 4 2 1 -
7-11 years 8 2 5 1 -
12-17 years 19 - 16 3 -
18 years and over 60 - 56 4 -
1  Other, unknown and anonymous adoptions.

Explanation of symbols