Statistics Norway


4 Intercountry adopted, by sex, age and previous citizenship. 2009
Previous citizenship Total Sex Age
Boys Girls 0-2 year 3-4 years 5 years and older
Total  346  181  165  239 72 35
China  106 33 73 80 17 9
South Korea 49 33 16 48 1 -
Ethiopia 43 24 19 30 9 4
Colombia 42 27 15 28 11 3
South-Africa 28 16 12 28 - -
Thailand 16 9 7 4 11 1
Brazil 14 8 6 1 3 10
India 12 8 4 6 3 3
Hungary 11 8 3 4 5 1
Other 25 15 10 10 12 3

Explanation of symbols