Statistics Norway


5 Stepchildren adoptions 1. Adoptive parent's relationship to the child. 1970-2009
Year Total In wedlock2
Stepfather Stepmother Partner in partnership
1970  226  220 6 .
1971  255  249 6 .
1972  425  400 25 .
1973  371  361 10 .
1974  454  433 21 .
1975  458  436 22 .
1976  541  516 25 .
1977  533  521 12 .
1978  475  457 18 .
1979  430  418 12 .
1980  461  444 17 .
1981  364  350 14 .
1982  348  334 14 .
1983  296  271 25 .
1984  359  328 31 .
1985  257  231 26 .
1986  262  244 18 .
1987  231  212 19 .
1988  229  207 22 .
1989  249  236 13 .
1990  197  181 16 .
1991  196  189 7 .
1992  184  164 20 .
1993  170  155 15 .
1994  162  150 12 .
1995  192  180 12 .
1996  220  207 13 .
1997  213  196 17 .
1998  210  201 9 .
1999  207  197 10 .
2000  105 93 12 .
2001  162  156 6 .
2002  157  152 5 .
2003  158  144 14 .
2004  101 98 3 .
2005  138  130 8 .
2006  174  141 3 30
2007  236  166 - 70
2008  223  159 - 64
2009  205  147 33 25
1  From 2006, Statistics Norway received a full copy of the central adoption register once every year in order to produce the annual statistics. Before 2006 the adoption reports have been submitted by the population register to Statistics Norway for statistical purposes.
2  From 1 January 2009 the Marriage Act was changed in such a way that two persons of the same sex can be married.

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