Statistics Norway


1 Adoptions 1, by type of adoption. 1960-2011
Annual average. Year Total Type of adoption
Intercountry adoptions Stepchildren Foster children Other2
1960  913 .. .. .. ..
1961-1965  824 .. .. .. ..
1966-1970  791 83  309 .. ..
1971-1975  881  260  391 ..  230
1976-1980  976  330  488 ..  158
1981-1985  892  456  324 ..  114
1986-1990  857  530  234 .. 94
1991-1995  831  561  181 .. 89
1996-2000  865  607  191 .. 67
2001-2005  890  702  143 .. 45
2006-2010  606  368  198 32 8
1986  845  477  262 ..  106
1987  787  465  231 .. 91
1988  880  566  229 .. 85
1989  918  578  249 .. 91
1990  855  563  197 .. 95
1991  833  549  196 .. 88
1992  851  564  184 ..  103
1993  786  543  170 .. 73
1994  788  545  162 .. 81
1995  898  605  192 ..  101
1996  822  523  220 .. 79
1997  814  534  213 .. 67
19983 1 094  795  210 .. 89
1999  802  527  207 .. 68
2000  792  657  105 .. 30
2001  908  711  162 .. 35
2002  989  785  157 .. 47
2003  870  656  158 .. 56
2004  791  652  101 .. 38
2005  890  704  138 .. 48
2006  657  438  174 35 10
2007  703  417  236 43 7
2008  553  298  223 23 9
2009  591  346  205 30 10
2010  528  343  153 29 3
2011  491  297  148 40 6
1  From 2006, Statistics Norway has received a full copy of the central adoption register once every year in order to produce the annual statistics. Before 2006 the adoption reports have been submitted by the population register to Statistics Norway for statistical purposes.
2  Before 2006 this includes foster child adoptions, anonymous adoptions and other types of adoptions. From 2006 foster child adoptions make a separate type of adoption.
3  Including a large backlog of adoption reports.

Explanation of symbols