Statistics Norway

Emissions to air. NOx, NH3 and NMVOC - national figures,

6 Emissions to air of SO2, NOX, NH3, NMVOCs and CO, by industry. 2009. Tonnes
Total for industries except international air transport and ocean transport1 16 270  167 490 22 173  160 643  365 197
Agriculture, forestry and fishing  878 23 674 19 884 5 794 14 416
Mining and extraction  596 52 916 1 48 793 11 094
Manufacturing 10 130 15 202  442 24 924 16 268
Energy and water supply and construction 1 154 5 792 29 9 802 9 062
Wholesale, maintainance, hotels and restaurants 86 1 071 65 12 614 4 152
Transport 2 696 54 401 51 7 240 19 248
Services 61 2 415  175 4 817 10 170
General government 31  636 1  245  863
Education, health and social work  174  747 85 2 841 5 169
Households  465 10 635 1 438 43 572  274 753
1  Emissions from international air transport and ocean transport are not estimated.
Source: Emission inventory from Statistics Norway and the Climate and Pollution Agency.

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