Statistics Norway

Emissions to air. NOx, NH3 and NMVOC - national figures,

6 Emissions to air of SO2, NOX, NH3, NMVOCsand CO by industry. 2010*. Tonnes
Total for industries except international air transport and ocean transport1 18 283  188 524 22 844  134 909  318 551
Agriculture, forestry and fishing  718 24 149 20 822 4 495 14 389
Mining and extraction  506 55 249 0 41 265 11 100
Manufacturing 13 221 22 031  531 22 637 21 259
Energy and water supply and construction 1 124 7 854 24 5 596 9 313
Varehandel, reparasjoner, hotell- og restaurantnæringen [Wholesale, maintainance, hotels and restaurants]  110 1 374 55 9 778 2 804
Transport 1 744 60 040 41 5 506 17 560
Services 84 2 252  129 4 469 5 900
General government 72 2 111 2  358 1 158
Education, health and social work  217  856 65 2 250 3 312
Households  487 12 606 1 176 38 555  231 758
1  Emissions from international air transport and ocean transport are not estimated.
Source: Emission inventory from Statistics Norway and the Climate and Pollution Agency.

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