Statistics Norway

Stock statistics

1 Nominal share capital, received dividends and received previously paid in share capital and share premium, by receiving sector. NOK million
Institutional sector 2007 20081
Nominal share capital Received dividends Received share capital Received share premium Nominal share capital Received dividends Received share capital Received share premium
Total  687 030  237 053 12 158 24 476  711 761  281 154 6 182 17 793
General government 52 061 27 557 3 2 796 56 057 33 464 2  564
Financial corporations 65 241 13 523 83  686 69 475 18 222  163  490
Non-financial corporations  369 940  108 889 4 312 5 503  395 601  119 827 1 290 11 276
Households and non-profit institutions serving households 90 248 16 958 2 908 9 202 86 457 22 827 1 679 4 496
Rest of the world  108 143 69 325 4 847 6 186  102 400 86 227 3 034  936
Unknown 1 398  801 5  104 1 772  588 13 30
1  Preliminary figures.

Explanation of symbols