10 Employed persons,total, and employed persons at work by status and sex. Number of man-weeks worked1
and actual working hours per week (LFS).

  Annual average 2003 2004
  2002 2003 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter
Employed persons total 2 286 2 269 2 275 2 278 2 260 2 255 2 283 2 290
    Salaried employees 2 118 2 098 2 100 2 109 2 089 2 085 2 110 2 117
    Self-employed 154 158 159 156 162 159 164 162
    Family workers 7 7 8 9 5 8 7 8
Employed persons total 1 210 1 198 1 203 1 199 1 192 1 191 1 203 1 210
    Salaried employees 1 091 1 076 1 079 1 080 1 068 1 068 1 077 1 087
    Self-employed 113 116 117 114 119 118 120 117
    Family workers 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4
Employed persons total 1 076 1 071 1 072 1 079 1 068 1 063 1 080 1 080
    Salaried employees 1 027 1 022 1 021 1 029 1 021 1 017 1 032 1 031
    Self-employed 40 42 42 42 43 41 43 45
    Family workers 5 4 5 6 2 4 3 3
Employed persons at work 2 1 912 1 914 1 949 1 714 1 985 1 967 1 967 1 711
    Salaried employees 1 763 1 762 1 790 1 575 1 827 1 815 1 811 1 567
    Self-employed 136 141 145 127 149 144 149 135
    Family workers 7 6 8 8 5 7 6 7
Employed persons at work 2 1 044 1 040 1 062 931 1 076 1 061 1 060 938
    Salaried employees 938 931 948 832 961 949 946 834
    Self-employed 102 104 108 93 110 108 110 99
    Family workers 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 4
Employed persons at work 2 867 874 887 783 909 906 907 773
    Salaried employees 826 831 842 743 866 865 865 733
    Self-employed 35 37 37 34 39 36 38 36
    Family workers 4 4 5 5 2 4 3 3
Man-weeks worked 3 1 774 1 765 1 737 1 637 1 832 1 819 1 754 1 631
    Salaried employees 1 613 1 603 1 567 1 484 1 667 1 660 1 584 1 476
    Self-employed 154 154 161 144 159 154 165 149
    Family workers 3 4 5 6 3 4 3 4
Man-weeks worked 3 1 070 1 055 1 040 977 1 091 1 083 1 048 979
    Salaried employees 946 931 910 861 963 958 915 859
    Self-employed 121 120 125 112 125 123 130 117
    Family workers 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2
Man-weeks worked 3 704 710 697 660 741 736 706 652
    Salaried employees 667 672 657 624 704 702 669 617
    Self-employed 32 34 36 33 34 32 35 32
    Family workers 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 2
    HOURS PER WEEK                
Actual working hours 34,8 34,6 33,4 35,8 34,6 34,7 33,4 35,8
    Salaried employees 34,3 34,1 32,8 35,3 34,2 34,3 32,8 35,3
    Self-employed 42,2 41,0 41,6 42,5 39,9 40,1 41,7 41,6
    Family workers 19,6 22,5 25,4 25,8 20,7 21,0 21,3 19,8
Actual working hours 38,4 38,0 36,7 39,4 38,0 38,3 37,1 39,1
    Salaried employees 37,8 37,5 36,0 38,8 37,6 37,8 36,3 38,6
    Self-employed 44,7 43,4 43,4 44,9 42,5 42,6 44,3 44,5
    Family workers 18,4 25,6 28,7 32,9 25,2 22,0 24,2 18,7
Actual working hours 30,4 30,4 29,4 31,6 30,5 30,5 29,2 31,6
    Salaried employees 30,3 30,3 29,2 31,5 30,5 30,4 29,0 31,6
    Self-employed 34,9 34,5 36,2 35,8 32,8 32,8 34,3 33,7
    Family workers 20,2 20,2 23,2 21,2 15,5 20,0 17,9 21,2