5 Employed persons attending courses etc. by sex and occupation. 2nd quarter 2003. 1 000 og per cent.

Sex and occupation 1 000 Per cent
TOTAL 315 13,8
  1 - Legislators, senior officials and managers 39 22,6
  2 - Professionals 56 22,8
  3 - Technicians and associate professionals 98 18,8
  4 - Clerks 21 11,6
  5 - Service workers and shop and market sales workers 54 10,6
  7 - Craft and related trades workers 24 9,7
  8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers 14 7,9
  6,9,0 - Other occupations 9 4,1
Males 163 13,5
  1 - Legislators, senior officials and managers 27 21,7
  2 - Professionals 28 19,5
  3 - Technicians and associate professionals 44 18,1
  4 - Clerks 7 11,3
  5 - Service workers and shop and market sales workers 15 11,1
  7 - Craft and related trades workers 24 10,2
  8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers 13 8,9
  6,9,0 - Other occupations 5 4,4
Females 152 14,2
  1 - Legislators, senior officials and managers 12 25,0
  2 - Professionals 28 27,5
  3 - Technicians and associate professionals 54 19,5
  4 - Clerks 14 11,7
  5 - Service workers and shop and market sales workers 39 10,4
  7 - Craft and related trades workers 1 3,6
  8 - Plant and machine operators and assemblers 1 2,3
  6,9,0 - Other occupations 4 3,8