Table 1. Employees by patterns of working time, sex and age in the main job. Per cent. 2007

Total 15-29 years 30-54 years 55-74 years I alt 15-29 years 30-54 years 55-74 years
Total Employees, total 2 250 549 1 319 382 100,0 24,4 58,6 17,0
 Ordinary daytime 1 483 283 918 282 100,0 19,1 61,9 19,0
 Outside ordinary daytime 765 265 400 100 100,0 34,6 52,3 13,1
  Shift work in the main job 521 158 292 71 100,0 30,3 56,0 13,6
    All the combinations (saturday, sunday, night and evening) 209 56 126 27 100,0 26,8 60,3 12,9
    Saturday, sunday and night 135 41 73 21 100,0 30,4 54,1 15,6
    Saturday, night and evening 12 5 6 1 100,0 41,7 50,0 8,3
    Saturday ang night 52 25 22 5 100,0 48,1 42,3 9,6
    Night and evening 20 5 12 3 100,0 25,0 60,0 15,0
    Saturday and sunday 22 5 13 4 100,0 22,7 59,1 18,2
    All the combinations (night and saturday/sunday/evening) 14 5 7 2 100,0 35,7 50,0 14,3
    All the combinations (saturday/sunday/evening) 30 8 18 4 100,0 26,7 60,0 13,3
    Unspecified 24 7 15 2 100,0 29,2 62,5 8,3
  Not shift work, total 244 107 108 29 100,0 43,9 44,3 11,9
    All the combinations (saturday, sunday, night and evening)1 37 13 19 5 100,0 35,1 51,4 13,5
    Saturday, sunday and night1 44 17 20 7 100,0 38,6 45,5 15,9
    Saturday, night and evening1 10 5 4 1 100,0 50,0 40,0 10,0
    Saturday ang night1 57 33 20 4 100,0 57,9 35,1 7,0
    Night and evening1 4 2 2 - 100,0 50,0 50,0 -
    Saturday and sunday1 17 7 7 3 100,0 41,2 41,2 17,6
    All the combinations (night and saturday/sunday/evening)1 52 22 24 6 100,0 42,3 46,2 11,5
    All the combinations (saturday/sunday/evening)1 24 8 12 4 100,0 33,3 50,0 16,7
Males Employees, total 1 153 280 677 196 100,0 24,3 58,7 17,0
 Ordinary daytime 802 167 486 149 100,0 20,8 60,6 18,6
 Outside ordinary daytime 349 113 190 46 100,0 32,4 54,4 13,2
  Shift work in the main job 227 68 129 30 100,0 30,0 56,8 13,2
    All the combinations (saturday, sunday, night and evening) 114 27 71 16 100,0 23,7 62,3 14,0
    Saturday, sunday and night 37 14 18 5 100,0 37,8 48,6 13,5
    Saturday, night and evening 8 3 4 1 100,0 37,5 50,0 12,5
    Saturday ang night 18 8 8 2 100,0 44,4 44,4 11,1
    Night and evening 16 5 9 2 100,0 31,3 56,3 12,5
    Saturday and sunday 7 2 4 1 100,0 28,6 57,1 14,3
    All the combinations (night and saturday/sunday/evening) 5 1 3 1 100,0 20,0 60,0 20,0
    All the combinations (saturday/sunday/evening) 16 5 9 2 100,0 31,3 56,3 12,5
    Unspecified 9 4 4 1 100,0 44,4 44,4 11,1
  Not shift work, total 122 45 61 16 100,0 36,9 50,0 13,1
    All the combinations (saturday, sunday, night and evening)1 22 6 13 3 100,0 27,3 59,1 13,6
    Saturday, sunday and night1 23 6 14 3 100,0 26,1 60,9 13,0
    Saturday, night and evening1 6 2 3 1 100,0 33,3 50,0 16,7
    Saturday ang night1 25 14 9 2 100,0 56,0 36,0 8,0
    Night and evening1 3 1 2 - 100,0 33,3 66,7 -
    Saturday and sunday1 6 2 3 1 100,0 33,3 50,0 16,7
    All the combinations (night and saturday/sunday/evening)1 23 8 12 3 100,0 34,8 52,2 13,0
    All the combinations (saturday/sunday/evening)1 13 5 6 2 100,0 38,5 46,2 15,4
Females Employees, total 1 097 269 642 186 100,0 24,5 58,5 17,0
 Ordinary daytime 680 116 432 132 100,0 17,1 63,5 19,4
 Outside ordinary daytime 415 152 210 53 100,0 36,6 50,6 12,8
  Shift work in the main job 293 90 163 40 100,0 30,7 55,6 13,7
    All the combinations (saturday, sunday, night and evening) 96 29 55 12 100,0 30,2 57,3 12,5
    Saturday, sunday and night 99 28 55 16 100,0 28,3 55,6 16,2
    Saturday, night and evening 3 2 1 - 100,0 66,7 33,3 -
    Saturday ang night 34 17 14 3 100,0 50,0 41,2 8,8
    Night and evening 4 1 3 - 100,0 25,0 75,0 -
    Saturday and sunday 16 3 9 4 100,0 18,8 56,3 25,0
    All the combinations (night and saturday/sunday/evening) 10 4 5 1 100,0 40,0 50,0 10,0
    All the combinations (saturday/sunday/evening) 14 3 9 2 100,0 21,4 64,3 14,3
    Unspecified 16 3 11 2 100,0 18,8 68,8 12,5
  Not shift work, total 122 62 47 13 100,0 50,8 38,5 10,7
    All the combinations (saturday, sunday, night and evening)1 14 7 6 1 100,0 50,0 42,9 7,1
    Saturday, sunday and night1 19 11 5 3 100,0 57,9 26,3 15,8
    Saturday, night and evening1 3 2 1 - 100,0 66,7 33,3 -
    Saturday ang night1 33 19 12 2 100,0 57,6 36,4 6,1
    Night and evening1 2 1 1 - 100,0 50,0 50,0 -
    Saturday and sunday1 9 5 3 1 100,0 55,6 33,3 11,1
    All the combinations (night and saturday/sunday/evening)1 30 14 12 4 100,0 46,7 40,0 13,3
    All the combinations (saturday/sunday/evening)1 13 4 7 2 100,0 30,8 53,8 15,4