Table 5. Regularly patterns of working time by sex and industry in the mainjob. 1 000 and Per cent. 2007

  Patterns of working time Per cent
Sunday Evening Night Saturday Sunday Evening Night
Total Total 397 219 281 95 18 10 12 4
Oil and gas extraction, mining, quarrying and manufacturing 34 26 33 15 11 8 11 5
Domestic trade 131 15 54 5 39 4 16 1
Hotels and restaurants 38 26 23 9 59 41 36 14
Transport and communication 49 37 33 18 34 25 23 12
Financial and business intermediation 21 14 20 5 7 5 7 2
Health care 69 64 72 32 15 14 16 7
Other 55 38 46 12 9 6 7 2
Males Total 185 110 142 55 16 10 12 5
Oil and gas extraction, mining, quarrying and manufacturing 28 22 27 14 12 10 11 6
Domestic trade 46 6 23 2 27 3 13 1
Hotels and restaurants 10 7 10 4 52 39 52 19
Transport and communication 40 31 26 15 37 29 25 14
Financial and business intermediation 15 10 13 4 9 5 8 2
Health care 11 9 13 7 14 12 17 9
Other 35 25 29 10 10 7 8 3
Females Total 212 108 140 40 19 10 13 4
Oil and gas extraction, mining, quarrying and manufacturing 5 4 6 2 7 5 8 2
Domestic trade 85 9 31 3 52 5 19 2
Hotels and restaurants 28 19 13 5 62 42 29 12
Transport and communication 10 6 6 2 26 16 17 6
Financial and business intermediation 6 4 7 1 5 3 6 1
Health care 58 55 60 25 15 14 16 7
Other 20 12 17 2 7 4 6 1