Table 8. Regularly patterns of working time by conditons of appointment and sex in the main job. 1 000 and Per cent. 2007

  Patterns of working time Per cent
Sunday Evening Night Saturday Sunday Evening Night
Total Total 397 219 281 95 18 10 12 4
Permanent position 344 191 242 84 17 10 12 4
Temporary position 50 27 37 9 22 12 16 4
Males Total 185 110 142 55 16 10 12 5
Permanent position 166 100 125 50 16 10 12 5
Temporary position 18 10 15 4 19 10 16 5
Females Total 212 108 140 40 19 10 13 4
Permanent position 178 90 117 34 19 9 12 4
Temporary position 32 17 21 5 24 13 16 4