Table 7. Regularly patterns of working time, by working hours and sex. In the main job. 1 000 and per cent. 2008

  Patterns of working time Per cent
Sunday Evening Night Saturday Sunday Evening Night
Total Total 396 232 291 100 17 10 13 4
Full-time 218 143 154 56 13 8 9 3
Part-time 177 88 136 44 28 14 22 7
Males Total 184 121 146 49 16 10 12 4
Full-time 135 94 106 39 13 9 10 4
Part-time 49 27 40 11 32 18 26 7
Females Total 212 111 144 51 19 10 13 4
Full-time 83 49 48 17 13 7 7 3
Part-time 128 61 96 33 27 13 20 7