Table 7. Regularly patterns of working time by working hours and sex. In the main job. 1 000 and per cent. 2011 of employees.

  1 000 Per cent
Sunday Evening Night Saturday Sunday Evening Night
Total Total 390 232 293 105 17 10 12 4
Full-time 226 151 161 64 13 9 9 4
Part-time 163 80 131 40 27 13 21 7
Males Total 185 120 150 59 15 10 12 5
Full-time 142 100 112 48 14 10 11 5
Part-time 43 20 37 10 28 13 24 7
Females Total 205 111 144 46 18 10 12 4
Full-time 85 52 49 16 12 7 7 2
Part-time 120 59 94 30 26 13 21 6