Statistics Norway

Survey of level of living, working environment

4   Attachment to the workplace and opportunity for development, by occupation, level 2. 2006. Per cent. Continuing
  All Customer services clercs Personal and protective services workers Models, salespersons and demonstrators Agriculture, forestry and fishery workers Extraction and building trades workers Metal, machinery and related trades workers Precision, handicraft, printing and related trades workers Other craft and related trades workers Stationary-plant and related operators Machine operators and assemblers Drivers and mobile-plant operators Service elementary occupations Agricultural, fishery and related labourers Labourers in construction and manufacturing Armed forces and unspecified
Work and salary                                
Employees with                                
daytime work 71 61 47 51 34 89 81 72 87 34 58 51 62 : 76 :
shift work or rotating schedule 16 26 37 14 13 4 11 16 5 60 33 30 12 : 14 :
Employees with fixed salary 77 87 90 77 57 65 70 85 73 68 76 70 87 : 85 :
Attatchment to the workplace                                
with temporary employment 12 14 18 11 15 8 8 11 10 8 9 7 17 : 31 :
without a weitten employment contract 7 5 5 13 44 11 9 : 12 7 7 15 7 : 19 :
average time of employment 8.9 8.6 7.8 5.3 15.6 8.0 9.1 13.4 9.6 10.4 11.0 8.4 7.1 : 4.4 :
who are satisfied with job 89 80 89 84 87 92 90 85 87 81 83 87 78 : 87 :
who feels that work brings joy 89 84 91 83 90 87 85 95 72 75 75 90 71 : 88 :
who think that work give a feeling of mastery 92 89 91 82 94 93 93 95 90 87 89 91 77 : 85 :
who is looking for other work 6 9 8 7 4 4 3 4 7 4 2 5 11 : 4 :
who is at risk of loosing job 11 22 11 10 16 6 9 16 5 14 16 13 18 : 13 :
who is at risk of beeing moved to another job at the workplace 6 : 9 3 0 5 4 : 5 12 7 6 11 : 3 :
Opportunity for development                                
employees with poor opportunities                                
to use education and work experience 10 21 13 24 19 7 5 : 10 12 18 20 29 : 30 :
for professional development 21 36 27 36 39 13 23 17 28 15 34 37 48 : 33 :
to participate in further education 31 49 32 55 55 27 34 17 36 26 38 43 57 : 40 :
Number of respondents 9 172 86 1 336  611 72  302  456 36  100  123  184  277  291 2 40 21
Number of respondents 9 810 89 1 386  640  220  379  472 43  108  124  189  329  299 2 42 21

Explanation of symbols