1   Central organizations and other nationwide associations for wage earners. Members per 31 December
  1997 1998 1999 2000
Associations of wage earners, total 1 456 532 r 1 484 501 1 485 065 1 482 891
The Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions 822 434 838 306 828 431 813 122
Norwegian Union of Municipal Employees 237 347 241 090 238 613 234 460
The United Federation of Trade Unions 160 173 162 174 158 077 153 292
Norwegian Union of Employees in Commerce and Offices 58 561 61 071 61 401 60 238
Norwegian Union of Government Employees 46 855 47 232 46 402 46 627
Electrician and IT Workers Union 26 898 26 846 40 803 40 024
Norwegian National Union of Food, Beverages and Tobacco Workers 36 599 36 858 35 296 34 477
Norwegian Union of General Workers 31 843 32 727 32 122 30 933
Norwegian Union of Chemical Industry Workers 31 695 31 357 30 799 30 079
Norwegian Posto and Communication Union1       28 215
Norwegian Oil and Petro-Chemical Federation 14 092 16 316 17 674 17 944
Norwegian Federation of Supervisors and Technical Employees 17 118 17 902 18 023 17 843
Norwegian Union of Railwaymen 18 844 18 568 17 957 17 218
Others 156 501 r 146 165 r 131 264 101 772
Confederation of Vocational Unions 230 644 238 491 243 387 241 747
Norwegian Confederation of Municipal Employees 52 963 54 617 53 731 52 275
Norwegian Association of Practical Nurses 50 018 50 863 51 745 52 133
Finance Sector Union - Norway2 25 392 25 173 36 158 35 571
Norwegian Association of Salaried Employees 13 887 14 764 15 019 15 212
2fo3       14 977
Confederation of Employees in Private Sector 11 554 12 093 12 111 11 676
Union of Civil Servants 11 883 11 919 12 058 12 338
The Military Officers' Association 10 014 10 624 10 500 10 385
Norwegian Insurance Employees' Union2 7 939 9 380    
Etatsansattes Landsforbund3 8 435 8 561 8 506  
Yrkestrafikkforbundet3 7 725 8 169 8 238 8 576
Federation of Offshore Workers' Trade Union r 4 720 r 5 719 r 5 651 5 313
Others r 26 114 r 26 609 r 29 670 23 291
The Confederation of Academics and Professional Union of Norway4 245 869 r 165 643 r 120 926 119 334
Nurses' Association 52 926 54 953 57 261 60 197
Norwegian Society of Engineers 44 605 45 103 . .
Teachers' Association 36 372 37 168 38 165 39 255
Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers 33 124 . . .
Association of Norwegian Lawyers 12 403 . . .
The Norwegian Federation of Business Economists 10 927 . . .
Norwegian Association of Research Workers 10 252 . . .
Norwegian Physiotherapist Association 7 027 7 136 7 466 7 589
The Norwegian Association of Agricultural Graduates 4 667 r 4 867 r 4 353  
The Norwegian Dental Association 5 040 . . .
Others 27 921 16 416 13 681 12 293
Federation of Norwegian Professional Association . 101 804 110 437 118 760
Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers . r 34 790 36 089 36 410
The Norwegian Medical Association . 18 178 18 965 20 007
Association of Norwegian Lawyers . 12 604 13 116 13 605
The Norwegian Federation of Business Economists . 10 930 11 701 11 895
Norwegian Association of Research Workers . 10 309 10 598 11 509
The Norwegian Dental Association . 5 075 5 095 5 128
The Norwegian Association of Agricultural Graduates       4 362
The Norwegian Psychological Association . 3 536 3 996 4 113
Samfunnsviternes Fagforening3 . 1 927 2 654 3 099
The Association of the Church of Norway . 2 168 2 312 2 381
The Norwegian Veterinary Assosiation   1 890 2 093  
Others   397 r 3 818 6 251
Other associations of wage earners4 157 585 140 257 181 884 189 928
Norwegian Union of Teachers 82 964 76 959 79 181 90 003
Norwegian Society of Engineers5     45 000 45 125
The Norwegian Medical' Association 17 335 . .  
Lederne3 11 241 14 000 12 614 12 873
Norwegian Police Federation 9 500 9 890 10 004 9 940
Norwegian Union of Journalists 7 643 7 815 7 770 8 177
Norwegian Maritime Officers' Association 7 371 7 620 7 798 7 900
The Norwegian Association of Pharmacy Technicians6 3 665 3 640    
Luftfartens Funksjonærforening3 2 356 2 760 2 916 2 879
Norwegian Sales-representatives Union 2 767 2 789 2 724 2 792
Others 12 743 14 784 13 877 10 239
  r Revised since the previous issue
1  As from 1 July 2000 The Norwegian Post Organization and The Norwegian Union of Post Workers were settled to a federation, Norwegian Post and Communication Union.
2  Norwegian Insurance Employees' Union and Norske Assurandørers Forbund merged in 1999 with Finance Sector - Norway.
3  No English translation of the association's name exists.
4  Includes both wage earners and self-employed.
5  Withdrew in 1996 from the Confederation of Academics and Professional Union of Norway.
6  As from 1999 member of Confederation of Vocational Unions.
Source: Source: Associations for wage earners and employer associations. Statistics Norway.
More information: More information: http://www.ssb.no/arborg_en/ .

Explanation of symbols