2   Employers' associations. Establishments and persons employed per 31 December
  1999 2000
  Establishments Persons employed Establishments Persons employed
Arbeiderbevegelsens Arbeidsgiverforening3 68 2 018 76 2 100
Norwegian Electronic Retail Association 620 2 000 580 2 000
The Norwegian Employers' Association for the Financial Sector 168 36 514 181 36 888
The Norwegian Fishing Vessel Owners' Association 330 .. 317 ..
Coasting Freighters Employers' Association 311 2 500 295 3 000
Commercial Employers' Association 9 523 150 000 9 600 150 000
Association of Local Authorities 903 355 643 955 397 296
Union of Agricultural Employers Associations 853 112 942 814 112 433
The Norwegian association pharmaceutical manufacturers 46 4 152 44 4 000
Norwegian Association of Heavy Equipment Contractors 1 516 15 200 1 500 14 000
NAVO Norwegian Association of Public Owned Enterprises 144 37 532 143 42 664
The Norwegian Association of Proprietor Pharmacists 392 5 767 397 5 855
The Association of Norwegian Stockbroking Companies 31 2 500 23 2 000
Norwegian Assosiation of Consulting Architects 298 1 651 420 2 151
The Norwegian Ship-owners' Association 180 238 900 181 237 800
Union of Norwegian Taxi-owners 5 255 116 500 5 292 17 500
Private Child Care Institutions Union 196 1 622 239 2 166
Samvirkeforetakenes Forhandlingsorganisasjon3 345 123 163 325 121 526
Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry 15 624 1423 363 15 612 1422 301
Norwegian Newspaper Publishers' Association 226 12 911 236 12 766
The Norwegian Petrol Retailers' Organization 862 5 295 842 5 073
The Federation of Building Industries 2 398 50 386 2 397 49 641
The Association of Energy Utilities 50 3 639 53 3 835
Fiskeri- og Havbruksnæringens Landsforening3 546 10 404 586 10 665
Association of Norwegian Airlines 81 9 884 82 11 133
Norwegian Federation of Graphic Enterprises 361 5 952 351 5 470
Harbour and Terminal Operator Federation 306 6 487 329 6 518
The Norwegian Federation of Craft Enterprises 1 494 5 471 1 402 5 283
Kjøttindustriens Fellesforening3 217 10 576 214 11 265
Federation of Knowledge and Contract Research 143 6 939 164 7 004
The Norwegian Association of Motor-car Dealers and Service Organisation 1 223 16 837 1 212 17 199
Næringsmiddelbedriftenes Landsforening3 573 19 561 559 18 864
Norwegian Oil Industry Association 101 21 751 117 17 984
Prosessindustriens Landsforening3 706 57 642 729 57 101
The Federation of Norwegian Coastal Shipping 62 6 584 59 6 480
Norwegian Hospitality Association 2 197 26 649 2 140 27 114
World Association of Cleaning Industries 324 13 968 326 17 068
Norwegian Technical Contractors' Association 1 964 25 662 1 962 26 628
Establishments affliated to the Federation of Norwegian Engineering Industries (FNEI) 1 212 86 738 1 243 84 129
Federation of Transport Companies 177 11 131 181 11 363
Others 401 8 895 428 9 718
Others 110 4 407 255 5 487
1  In man-years.
2  Also including seamen from abroad.
3  No English translation of the association's name exists.
Source: Source: Associations of wage earners and employer associations. Statistics Norway.
More information: More information: http://www.ssb.no/arborg_en/ .

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