Associations of wage earners and employer associations

2   Employers' associations. Establishments and persons employed per 31 December
  2000 2001
  Establishments Persons employed Establishments Persons employed
Arbeiderbevegelsens Arbeidsgiverforening5 76 2 100 86 2 050
Association og Labour Market Company     89 7 660
The Norwegian Employers' Association for the Financial Sector 181 36 888 168 37 693
The Norwegian Fishing Vessel Owners' Association 317 .. 312 ..
Coasting Freighters Employers' Association 295 3 000 270 2 700
Commercial Employers' Association 9 523 4120 000 9 633 114 020
Norwegian Highspeed Craft Owners Association     76 ..
Church of Norway Employeers' Association     594 6 682
Association of Local Authorities 955 397 296 939 342 020
Union of Agricultural Employers Associations 814 112 433 800 112 250
Norwegian Association of Heavy Equipment Contractors 1 500 14 000 1 529 15 000
NAVO Norwegian Association of Public Owned Enterprises 143 42 664 149 83 000
The Norwegian Association of Proprietor Pharmacists 397 5 855    
Norwegian Assosiation of Consulting Architects 420 2 151 434 2 331
The Norwegian Ship-owners' Association 181 232 800 182 231 650
Union of Norwegian Taxi-owners 5 292 17 500 5 338 110 000
Private Child Care Institutions Union 239 2 166 738 5 187
Samvirkeforetakenes Forhandlingsorganisasjon5 325 121 526 317 122 032
Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry 15 612 1422 301 15 925 1447 815
Association of Norwegian ICT- and knowledgebased enterprises     257 13 464
The Norwegian Petrol Retailers' Organization 842 5 073 735 4 803
The Federation of Building Industries 2 397 49 641 2 471 50 761
The Association of Energy Utilities 53 3 835 282 16 451
Fedration of Fish and Aqua Culture 586 10 665 588 10 145
Association of Norwegian Airlines 82 11 133 81 11 551
The Norwegian Federation of Craft Enterprises 1 402 5 283 1 366 5 354
Federation of Norway Meat Industry 214 11 265 207 11 067
Federation of Knowledge and Contract Research3 164 7 004    
Norwegian Logistics and Freight Association 329 6 518 273 7 048
Norwegian Newspaper Publishers' Association 236 12 766 255 12 695
The Norwegian Association of Motor-car Dealers and Service Organisation 1 212 17 199 1 162 16 589
Federation of Norway Food and Drink Industry 559 18 864 545 18 610
Norwegian Oil Industry Association 117 17 984 131 20 350
Federation of Norway Process Industry 729 57 101 734 55 374
The Federation of Norwegian Coastal Shipping 59 6 480 59 6 251
Norwegian Hospitality Association 2 140 27 114 2 155 27 200
World Association of Cleaning Industries 326 17 068 441 33 712
Norwegian Technical Contractors' Association 1 962 26 628 1 981 27 535
Establishments affliated to the Federation of Norwegian Engineering Industries (FNEI) 1 243 84 129 1 208 74 267
Federation of Transport Companies 181 11 363 192 11 424
Norwegian Federation of Graphic Enterprises 351 5 470 335 5 279
Others 428 9 718 467 7 885
Andre 255 5 487 379 5 166
1  In man-years.
2  Also incuding seamen from abroad.
3  Included in Association of Norwegian ICT- and knowledgebased enterprise.
4  The figure has been corrected.
5  No English translation of association's name excists.
Source: Associations of wage earners and employer associations, Statistics Norway.
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