Associations of wage earners and employer associations

1   Central organizations and other nation-wide associations for wage earners. Members per
31 December
  1999 2000 2001 2002
Associations of wage earners, total 1 485 065 1 482 891 1 473 760 1 498 129
The Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions  828 431  813 122  796 272  800 259
Of which        
Norwegian Union of Municipal Employees  238 613  234 460  230 002  235 706
The United Federation of Trade Unions  158 077  153 292  147 168  145 115
Norwegian Union of Employees in Commerce and Offices 61 401 60 238 58 868 59 138
Norwegian Union of Government Employees 46 402 46 627 46 764 47 116
Electrician and IT Workers Union 40 803 40 024 38 115 38 207
Norwegian National Union of Food, Beverages and Tobacco Workers 35 296 34 477 33 314 33 600
Norwegian Union of General Workers 32 122 30 933 30 096 30 894
Norwegian Union of Chemical Industry Workers 30 799 30 079 28 927 28 233
Norwegian Posto- and Communication Union   28 215 27 995 27 996
Confederation of Vocational Unions  243 387  241 747  197 458  200 089
Of which        
Norwegian Confederation of Municipal Employees 53 731 52 275 53 683 55 095
Norwegian Association of Practical Nurses1 51 745 52 133    
Finance Sector Union - Norway 36 158 35 571 35 762 36 280
Norwegian Association of Salaried Employees 15 019 15 212 14 811 14 829
2fo   14 977 14 663 14 085
Confederation of Employees in Private Sector 12 111 11 676 11 665 11 743
Union of Civil Servants 12 058 12 338 12 451 10 670
The Military Officers' Association 10 500 10 385 10 200 10 000
The Confederation of Academics and Professional Union of Norway2  120 926  119 334    
Of which        
Nurses' Association 57 261 60 197    
Teachers' Association3 38 165 39 255    
Norwegian Physiotherapist Association 7 466 7 589    
The Norwegian Association of Agricultural Graduates 4 353      
Confederation of Higher Education Unions, Norway      215 000  222 921
Of which        
Union of Education Norway3      130 000  132 473
Nurses' Association     65 000 68 805
Norwegian Police Federation     10 000 10 404
Norwegian Physiotherapist Association     7 500 8 063
Federation of Norwegian Professional Association  110 437  118 760  122 086  128 011
Of which        
Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers 36 089 36 410 36 892 38 830
The Norwegian Medical Association 18 965 20 007 20 441 20 904
Association of Norwegian Lawyers 13 116 13 605 13 902 14 355
The Norwegian Federation of Business Economists 11 701 11 895 12 414 13 178
Norwegian Association of Research Workers 10 598 11 509 12 053 13 154
The Norwegian Dental Association 5 095 5 128 5 189 5 213
The Norwegian Association of Agricultural Graduates   4 362 4 362 4 514
The Norwegian Psychological Association 3 996 4 113 4 294 4 395
Association of Social Scientists 2 654 3 099 3 473 4 090
Other associations of wage earners4  181 884  189 928  142 944  146 849
Of which        
Norwegian Association of Practical Nurses 51 745 52 133 52 216 52 871
Norwegian Union of Teachers3 79 181 90 003    
Norwegian Society of Engineers 45 000 45 125 45 877 47 955
Norwegian Association of Supervisors & Managers 12 614 12 873 12 943 12 798
Norwegian Police Federation 10 004 9 940    
Norwegian Union of Journalists 7 770 8 177 8 525 8 517
Norwegian Maritime Officers' Association 7 798 7 900 7 814 7 902
1  Withdrew 01.07.2001from Confederation of Vocational Unions.
2  Closed down 30.06.2001.
3  During 2001 Teachers' Association and Norwegian Union of Theatchers were settled to a federation, Union og Education Norway.
4  Includes both wage earners and self-employed.
Source: Associations for wage earners and employer associations, Statistics Norway.
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