Statistics Norway

3   Employers' associations. Establishments with wage agreement and persons employed per 31 December (New 15 December 2003)
  2001 2002
  Establishments Persons employed Establishments Persons employed
Arbeiderbevegelsens Arbeidsgiverforening 86 2 050 96 2 293
The Norwegian Employers' Association for the Financial Sector  168 37 693  233 37 673
The Norwegian Fishing Vessel Owners' Association  312 ..  279 ..
Coasting Freighters Employers' Association  270 2 700  254 2 500
Commercial Employers' Association 3 185 57 330 3 761 66 301
Norwegian Highspeed Craft Owners Association 27  160 27  164
Church of Norway Employeers' Association  536 6 682  538 6 210
Association of Local Authorities  939  342 020  890  288 812
Union of Agricultural Employers Associations  327 9 720  316 9 167
Norwegian Association of Heavy Equipment Contractors  153 3 000  165 3 260
Association of Public Owned Enterprises NAVO  149 83 000  182  176 900
Norwegian Assosiation of Consulting Architects  327 1 845  326 1 824
The Norwegian Ship-owners' Association  182 131 650  170 132 600
Union of Norwegian Taxi-owners 5 338 210 000 5 408 210 000
Private Child Care Institutions Union  313 2 777  475 3 800
Samvirkeforetakenes Forhandlingsorganisasjon  309 21 889  298 21 854
Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry 6 851  393 328 6 861  395 108
Association of Norwegian ICT- and knowledgebased enterprises  102 8 960  134 12 092
The Federation of Building Industries 1 022 41 599 1 053 42 239
The Association of Energy Utilities 45 3 340 96 7 389
Fedration of Fish and Aqua Culture  212 8 518  202 7 832
Association of Norwegian Airlines 80 14 643 85 14 357
Federation of Norway Meat Industry  135 10 021  135 12 330
Norwegian Logistics and Freight Association  171 6 362  194 6 519
Norwegian Newspaper Publishers' Association  216 22 262  219 18 818
The Norwegian Association of Motor-car Dealers and Service Organisation  465 11 436  422 11 064
Federation of Norway Food and Drink Industry  333 19 945  319 19 879
Norwegian Oil Industry Association 82 18 112 93 21 153
Federation of Norway Process Industry  529 50 025  520 50 224
The Federation of Norwegian Coastal Shipping 47 7 426 47 7 666
Norwegian Hospitality Association  589 25 687  566 22 590
World Association of Cleaning Industries  254 17 844  249 21 507
Norwegian Technical Contractors' Association  747 20 287  743 20 994
Establishments affliated to the Federation of Norwegian Engineering Industries (FNEI)  927 80 287  911 72 239
Federation of Transport Companies  140 12 476  144 12 129
Norwegian Federation of Graphic Enterprises  265 5 489  234 4 847
Others  490 8 609  495 9 240
Andre  202 3 651  198 3 762
1  Also incuding seamen from abroad with wage agreement.
2  Including taxi-owners and persons employed.
Source: Associations of wage earners and employer associations, Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols