Statistics Norway

Associations of wage earners and employer associations

3   Employers' associations. Establishments with wage agreement and persons employed per 31 December
  2002 2003
  Establishments Persons employed Establishments Persons employed
Arbeiderbevegelsens Arbeidsgiverforening 96 2 293 80 2 372
Association of Public Owned Enterprises NAVO  182  176 900  145  164 900
The Norwegian Employers' Association for the Financial Sector  233 37 673  236 37 118
The Norwegian Fishing Vessel Owners' Association .. ..  150 4 000
Coasting Freighters Employers' Association  254 2 500  239 2 400
Commercial Employers' Association 3 761 185 000 3 854 88 362
Norwegian Highspeed Craft Owners Association 27  164 27  164
Church of Norway Employeers' Association  538 6 210  534 6 150
Association of Local Authorities  890  288 812  902  275 005
Union of Agricultural Employers Associations  316 9 167  298 8 819
Norwegian Association of Heavy Equipment Contractors  165 3 260  170 2 982
Norwegian Assosiation of Consulting Architects  326 1 824  322 1 769
The Norwegian Ship-owners' Association  170 232 600  163 230 000
Union of Norwegian Taxi-owners 13 500 14 200 3 608 4 300
Private Child Care Institutions Union  460 3 720  617 5 200
Samfo  298 21 854  283 21 311
Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry 6 861  395 108 6 931  389 070
Association of Norwegian ICT- and knowledgebased enterprises  134 12 092  147 11 196
The Federation of Building Industries 1 053 42 239 1 270 45 027
The Association of Energy Utilities 96 7 389  117 8 612
Fedration of Fish and Aqua Culture  202 7 832  193 6 704
Association of Norwegian Airlines 85 14 357 85 14 146
Federation of Norway Meat Industry  135 12 330  143 12 300
Norwegian Logistics and Freight Association  194 6 519  205 8 767
Norwegian Newspaper Publishers' Association  219 18 818  235 18 906
The Norwegian Association of Motor-car Dealers and Service Organisation  422 11 064  446 11 342
Federation of Norway Food and Drink Industry  319 19 879  327 18 256
Norwegian Oil Industry Association 93 21 153 86 24 028
Federation of Norway Process Industry  520 50 224  505 44 319
The Federation of Norwegian Coastal Shipping 47 7 666 46 6 950
Norwegian Hospitality Association  566 22 590  522 20 487
World Association of Cleaning Industries  249 21 507  333 28 717
Norwegian Technical Contractors' Association  743 20 994  582 21 949
Establishments affliated to the Federation of Norwegian Engineering Industries (FNEI)  911 72 239  879 63 472
Federation of Transport Companies  144 12 129  153 12 616
Norwegian Federation of Graphic Enterprises  234 4 847  212 4 362
Others  495 9 240  445 6 914
Andre  198 3 762  197 3 752
1  Revised since the previous issue.
2  Also incuding seamen from abroad with wage agreement.
Source: Associations of wage earners and employer associations, Statistics Norway.

Explanation of symbols