Statistics Norway

Inheritance tax statistics

1   Number of recipients of taxable inheritance1 and gifts, tax basis and total inheritance tax, by possession date2. The whole country. 1999-2001. Million NOK
  Number of recipients Total tax basis Total tax
Total inheritance and gifts 25 061 14 301 1 187
Inheritance 17 832 10 213  880
Gifts 7 229 4 088  307
Total inheritance and gifts 23 164 13 123 1 067
Inheritance 16 069 9 074  755
Gifts 7 095 4 049  312
Total inheritance and gifts 21 002 11 561  923
Inheritance 14 683 8 126  667
Gifts 6 319 3 435  256
1  Does not include tax-free estates and public administration of estates.
2  Inheritance and gift cases are registered during the year where the right of possession sets in, i.e. time of death of donor (longest living donor in unsettled estates) or when gift is given.

Explanation of symbols