Statistisk sentralbyrå

Agreement Based Pension
1 Agreement Based Pension. Balance sheet by financial instrument. 31 December. Million kroner.
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Certificates - 5 - - - -
Bonds 334 299 190 161 125 111
Bank deposits 279 305 126 269 109 142
Commercial banks 279 305 126 269 109 142
Other assets 40 394 531 974 807 833
Total assets 653 998 980 1 528 1 175 1 176
Equity and liabilities   
Life insurance fund 629 875 955 1 035 1 036 1 013
Other liabilities 24 123 25 493 139 163
Of this Social security administration 16 123 25 493 139 163
Total equity and liabilities 653 998 980 1 528 1 175 1 176
Standardtegn i tabeller ,