Statistisk sentralbyrå

Joint Pension under Collective Agreement
3 Joint Pension under Collective Agreement. Balance sheet by financial instrument. 31 December. Million kroner
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Certificates . . . . .. ..
Bonds 143 102 87 69 60 41
Gross loans 1 . . . .. ..
Municipal administration incl. municipal enterprises . . . . .. ..
Private enterprises with limited liability (limited liability company etc.) 1 .. .. .. .. ..
Bank deposits 199 213 208 193 166 200
Commercial banks 199 213 208 193 166 200
Saving banks . . . . .. ..
Other liabilities 12 10 6 15 34 22
Cash . . . . .. ..
Total assets 354 326 301 277 260 263
Equity and liabilities   
Insurance fund 353 324 298 273 243 209
Other liabilities 1 2 3 4 17 54
Of this social security administration - - - - 12 48
Total equity and liabilities 354 326 301 277 260 263
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