Statistics Norway


7 Persons employed in kindergartens, by position and qualifications. 2006-2008
  2008 2007 2006
Total number of persons employed 81 450 76 089 69 655
Directors1 6 973 6 425 6 179
with approved pre-school teacher education 6 063 5 432 5 327
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children  469  420  344
with dispensations from the educational requirement  324  238  222
with vocational training 39 23 15
Educational leaders 20 062 18 187 16 155
with approved pre-school teacher education 16 574 15 000 14 075
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children  825  875  631
with dispensations from the educational requirement 3 183 2 258 1 330
with vocational training  430  416  234
Assistents1 41 315 39 536 35 911
with approved pre-school teacher education 1 422 1 520 1 286
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children  938  555  425
with vocational training 7 903 6 405 5 644
Bilingual assistants 1 030 1 070  911
with approved pre-school teacher education 51 34 12
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children 60 27 21
with vocational training 60 22 19
Other educational personnel 6 308 5 905 5 620
with approved pre-school teacher education 2 228 2 107 2 193
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children  765  627  581
with vocational training  326  317  285
Other paid help 5 762 4 966 4 879
1  From 2008, director assistents are included in the total number of directors. 2007 and earlier this was included in the total number of assistents.

Explanation of symbols