Statistics Norway

Child welfare

5   Children under protection during the year, by age and type of assistance. 2002
Type of assistance Total1 Age
-2 3-5 6-12 13-17 18-22 Unknown
20022 34 362 2 108 4 811 13 385 10 690 3 313 55
Economic assistance 12 681  576 1 363 4 522 4 401 1 793 26
Kindergarten 5 189  737 3 177 1 275 0 0 0
Person selected to support child 5 042 68  194 2 250 2 117  406 7
Supervision 4 372  291  546 1 810 1 359  363 3
Visit home/relief support 10 240  540 1 632 5 279 2 467  318 4
Home adviser/relief at home 2 169  260  384  938  503 83 1
After school support 1 572 0 0 1 572 0 0 0
Leisure activity 3 983 14 93 2 302 1 359  214 1
Education/work  438 0 0 1  270  166 1
Medical examination and treatment  546 44 40  159  196  103 4
Treatment of children with special medical needs  287 14 34 95  108 35 1
Parents/child places (incl. maternity home)  401  175 74 83 49 18 2
Housing  679 0 0 0  191  480 8
Emergency shelter home 1 536  244  197  393  606 93 3
Foster home outside the family 4 325  170  440 1 497 1 533  672 13
Foster home within the family 1 617 60  170  620  592  172 3
Reinforced foster home outside the family 2 084  113  205  814  751  198 3
Reinforced foster home within the family  188 3 8 46 97 33 1
Children's home 1 903 14 30  203 1 159  496 1
Institution for alcoholics and drug addicts  285 23 8 6  108  140 0
Living/working collective  198 2 2 8  108 78 0
Psychiatric treatment in institution  109 0 5 17 67 20 0
Policlinical psychiatric treatment 1 076 0  107  499  368  100 2
Multisystemic treatment  385 0 0 17  352 15 1
Parent Management Training 32 0 6 25 1 0 0
Other assistance 12 805  811 1 408 5 071 4 397 1 108 10
1  Including children with unknown age.
2  Each child may have several types of assistance. Hence, the sum of types of assistance is larger than the number of child who have received assistance.

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