Statistics Norway

Child welfare

2   Children under protection 31 December, by age and type of assistance. 2004
Type of assistance 31 December Total1 Age
-2 3-5 6-12 13-17 18-22 Unknown
20042 28 775 1 754 4 153 11 269 9 454 2 136 9
Economic assistance 7 361  274  739 2 619 2 838  885 6
Kindergarten 3 518  679 2 741 98 0 0 0
Person selected to support child 3 418 40  145 1 581 1 463  186 3
Supervision 3 697  194  431 1 586 1 355  131 0
Visit home/relief support 7 885  362 1 316 4 121 1 937  147 2
Home adviser/relief at home 1 482  185  232  627  387 51 0
After school support 2 966 0 0 2 965 1 0 0
Leisure activity 1 995 20 42  990  828  115 0
Education/work  272 0 0 0  172  100 0
Medical examination and treatment  397 24 26  113  177 57 0
Treatment of children with special medical needs  125 1 11 51 52 10 0
Parents/child places (incl. maternity home)  200 99 61 24 15 0 1
Housing/lodging  558 0 0 1  174  383 0
Emergency shelter home  335 58 40  108  126 2 1
Foster home outside the family 3 567  138  387 1 308 1 312  422 0
Foster home within the family 1 267 34  103  510  509  111 0
Reinforced foster home outside the family 1 884 89  164  777  730  124 0
Reinforced foster home within the family  204 15 14 71 96 8 0
Children's home 1 279 4 15  132  929  199 0
Institution for alcoholics and drug addicts  131 0 0 1 78 52 0
Living/working collective  101 0 0 5 62 34 0
Psychiatric treatment in institution 8 0 0 3 4 1 0
Policlinical psychiatric treatment  288 31 1 1  212 43 0
Multisystemic treatment  317 0 0 18  291 8 0
Parent Management Training  195 3 0  150 40 2 0
Other assistance 10 623  640 1 227 4 297 3 812  643 4
1  Including children with unknown age.
2  Each child may have several types of assistance. Hence, the sum of types of assistance is larger than the number of child who have received assistance.

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