Statistics Norway

Child welfare

5   Children under protection during the year, by age and type of assistance. 2004
Type of assistance Total1 Age
-2 3-5 6-12 13-17 18-22 Unknown
20042 37 648 2 152 5 083 14 307 12 223 3 828 55
Economic assistance 13 638  582 1 351 4 623 4 971 2 084 27
Kindergarten 5 303  811 3 377 1 115 0 0 0
Person selected to support child 5 236 65  217 2 233 2 266  446 9
Supervision 5 008  291  582 2 051 1 686  395 3
Visit home/relief support 10 915  484 1 767 5 485 2 832  340 7
Home adviser/relief at home 2 464  304  397 1 011  617  135 0
After school support 4 076 0 0 4 076 0 0 0
Leisure activity 3 857 27  111 1 813 1 634  271 1
Education/work  543 0 0 0  306  237 0
Medical examination and treatment  751 52 60  197  296  145 1
Treatment of children with special medical needs  225 10 15 76 89 35 0
Parents/child places (incl. maternity home)  429  210  107 67 28 15 2
Housing/lodging  989 0 0 0  225  757 7
Emergency shelter home 1 162  199  164  306  461 31 1
Foster home outside the family 4 526  161  437 1 553 1 611  747 17
Foster home within the family 1 709 50  145  635  661  217 1
Reinforced foster home outside the family 2 320  109  196  877  883  254 1
Reinforced foster home within the family  307 22 22 97  135 31 0
Children's home 2 243 28 42  250 1 408  514 1
Institution for alcoholics and drug addicts  267 4 3 4  112  144 0
Living/working collective  183 0 0 7 91 84 1
Psychiatric treatment in institution 30 0 0 6 16 8 0
Policlinical psychiatric treatment  456 39 0 0  323 91 3
Multisystemic treatment  751 0 0 34  689 28 0
Parent Management Training  273 7 0  222 42 2 0
Other assistance 17 098  993 1 983 6 612 5 947 1 544 19
1  Including children with unknown age.
2  Each child may have several types of assistance. Hence, the sum of types of assistance is larger than the number of child who have received assistance.

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