Statistics Norway

Child welfare

8   New cases of children placed under protection, by age and reason for intervention. 2004
Reason for intervention1 Total2 Age
-2 3-5 6-12 13-17 18- and unknown
2004 9 899 1 290 1 585 3 425 3 284  315
Neglect  138 20 16 48 47 7
Physical abuse  297 31 50  102  108 6
Mental abuse  148 12 16 52 61 7
Sexual abuse/incest 91 0 12 33 44 2
Parents's mental suffering  942  191  189  353  200 9
Parents's drug excess  656  168 94  231  152 11
Parents's inhability of care  839  202  119  284  223 11
Parents dead 50 4 2 10 29 5
The child disabled  114 14 20 46 32 2
The child's drug excess  144 0 1 0  117 26
The child's behavioural problems 1 475 12 74  368  973 48
The conditions in the home 4 412  592  855 1 670 1 217 78
Other reason 1 623  162  267  558  542 94
Unknown reason 1 656  214  260  553  554 75
1  There may be several reasons for intervention. Hence, the sum of reasons is larger than the number of children total.
2  Including children with unknown age.

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